4. Priority Trees

INPUT FILE: pritrees.in
OUTPUT FILE: none (to screen)

Given a binary tree, convert it into another binary tree according to priority (explained below) and then display the tree, rotated by a given angle (90° or -90°) counterclockwise.
The binary tree will consist of digits from 1 to 9 for the nodes and the symbols / and \ for the connections between nodes.
For example, see the binary tree below:
       / \
    2       7
   / \     / \
  9   1   5   3
 / \     /     \
6   8   7       4

Priority Trees
A priority queue is a structure containing elements that each have a priority value associated with them. A priority tree is a special kind of binary tree in which each element has a higher element than its children.
The value of each node determines its priority, with 1 having the highest priority and 9 the lowest. If two nodes have the same value then they have the same priority. Your task will be to convert the given binary tree into a priority tree.
To do this, first search through the tree for the highest priority element and switch it with its parent (if it exists) and keep switching until it has reached the highest priority possible. Do this until all priorities are in their correct positions.

In our example we have

        2                    2                    1          
       / \                  / \                  / \         
    2       7            1       7            2       7      
   / \     / \    =>    / \     / \    =>    / \     / \   =>
  9   1   5   3        9   2   5   3        9   2   5   3    
 / \     /     \      / \     /     \      / \     /     \   
6   8   7       4    6   8   7       4    6   8   7       4  
        1                    1        
       / \                  / \       
    2       3            2       3    
   / \     / \    =>    / \     / \   
  9   2   5   7        9   2   5   4  
 / \     /     \      / \     /     \ 
6   8   7       4    6   8   7       7

Once it has been converted, rotate the tree by the given angle and display it with the main root at the appropriate edge of the screen so that the whole tree fits on screen.

The first line of input will consist of the angle, in degrees, of rotation (90 or -90).
The following lines will represent the binary tree (guaranteed to fit on a screen), followed by 2 blank lines.
The 2nd, 4th, 6th... lines consist of a string of digits from 1 to 9 representing nodes of the tree, with blanks left where a certain part of the binary tree is missing.
The 3rd, 5th, 7th... lines consist of a string of slashes (/ and \) representing connections between nodes, with blanks left where part of the tree is missing.

Output to screen the rotated binary tree; each subtree must be displayed completely above/below and right/left of its parental node (depending on the direction of rotation).

Sample Input File

(blank line)
(blank line)

Note: the "b"s represent spaces here for clarity and will not be in the input file.

Output for Sample Input
